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Export Cluster Definition

You can export cluster definitions from a cluster in Palette and use the definition to provision a cluster in an Edge host. A cluster definition contains one or more cluster profiles, including the profile variables used in the profiles.

You can use either the Palette Edge CLI to export the cluster definition or use the Palette API. The CLI offers a more user-friendly interface, but requires a machine with X86_64 architecture. If you are on an ARM64 machine such as Apple Silicon, use the API approach instead.

tech preview
This is a Tech Preview feature and is subject to change. Do not use this feature in production workloads.

Export Cluster Definition with Palette Edge CLI

You can export cluster definitions with the Palette Edge CLI. This approach allows you to create a content bundle at the same time in a single command.


  • At least one cluster profile in Palette.

  • A Palette API key. For more information on how to create a Palette API key, refer to Create API Key.

  • A physical or virtual Linux machine with AMD64 (also known as x86_64) processor architecture. You can issue the following command in the terminal to check your processor architecture.

    uname -m


  1. Download Palette Edge CLI and assign the executable bit to the CLI. Refer to Palette Components Compatibility Matrix to use the right Palette Edge CLI version. This guide uses 4.4.2 as an example.

    chmod +x palette-edge
  2. Use the following command to move the palette-edge binary to the /usr/local/bin directory to make the binary available in your system $PATH. This will allow you to issue the palette-edge command from any directory in your development environment.

    mv palette-edge /usr/local/bin
  3. Verify the installation of the Palette Edge CLI by issuing the following command. The output will display a list of available commands and flags for the CLI.

    palette-edge --help
    palette-edge-cli [command]

    Available Commands:
    build Build the content
    help Help about any command
    show Display all the preset default values and supported OS and K8S flavors

    --config string config file (default is $HOME/.palette-edge-cli.yaml)
    --debug set to enable debug logging [default: false]
    -h, --help help for palette-edge-cli
    --logfile string log file name
    --trace set to enable trace logging [default: false]

    Use "palette-edge-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  4. Log in to Palette.

  5. Select the project you want to deploy the Edge host to and copy down the Project ID. You can find the project id at the top right side corner of the landing page below the User drop-down Menu.

  6. Navigate to the left Main Menu and select Profiles.

  7. Use the Cloud Types drop-down Menu and select Edge Native.

  8. Click on the cluster profile you want to include in the cluster definition.

  9. You can find the cluster profile ID by reviewing the URL of the current page. The cluster profile ID is the last value in the URL. Repeat this step for all the cluster profiles you want to include in the cluster definition.<YourClusterProfileHere>

    Make sure the combination of profiles you choose to export can be used to provision a cluster together. This means that you cannot include more than one profile that has infrastructure layers and cannot have duplicate packs between the profiles.

  10. Issue the following command to export the cluster definition.

    palette-edge-cli build --api-key <apiKey> \
    --project-id <projectId> \
    --palette-endpoint <paletteEndpoint> \
    --cluster-definition-name <clusterDefinitionName> \
    --cluster-definition-profile-ids <clusterDefinitionProfileId1,clusterDefinitionProfileId2,...>
    --api-keyYour Palette API key.
    --palette-endpointAPI endpoint for your Palette instance.
    --project-idThe ID of your Palette project.
    --cluster-definition-nameFilename of the cluster definition tgz file.
    --cluster-definition-profile-idsList of cluster profile IDs to be included in the cluster definition.
    --private-keyThe path to the private key used to sign the cluster definition and content bundle if it is present. This is necessary if your Edge host has an embedded corresponding public key. For more information, refer to Embed Public Key in Edge Artifacts.
  11. (Optional) You can also build a content bundle together with your cluster definition in a single command by adding a few additional flags to the command. Content bundles are archives of all the required container images required for one or more cluster profiles. You can upload a content bundle to your Edge host through Local UI, and use the resources in the content bundle to provision clusters without a connection to external networks. For more information, refer to Build Content Bundles.

     palette-edge build --api-key <API_KEY> \
    --project-id <PROJECT_ID> \
    --cluster-profile-ids <CLUSTER_PROFILE_ID1,CLUSTER_PROFILE_ID2...> \
    --palette-endpoint <PALETTE_API_ENDPOINT> \
    --outfile <BUNDLE_NAME> \
    --cred-file-path <FILE_PATH> \
    --include-palette-content \
    --cluster-definition-name <CLUSTER_DEFINITION_FILENAME> \
    --cluster-definition-profile-ids <CLUSTER_PROFILE_IDS>
    --cluster-profile-idsComma-separated list of cluster profile IDs to download content for.
    --cred-file-pathPath to the JSON file storing registry credentials if you are using a private registry. Refer to Build Content Bundles for the expected schema of the JSON file.
    --include-palette-contentWhether to include content necessary for Palette itself. Required for airgap installations.
    --outfileName of your content bundle. The final file name should have the following pattern: core-<bundle-name>-random-string.


  1. Log in to Local UI.

  2. From the left Main Menu, click on Cluster.

  3. Try creating a cluster with the exported cluster definition. For more information, refer to Create a Local Cluster.

  4. A successful cluster definition export will display the correct profile layers from the cluster creation view.

Export Cluster Definition with Palette API

If you do not have an AMD64 machine, or you do not want to download and use the Palette Edge CLI, you can still export cluster definitions using the Palette API.


  • At least one cluster profile in Palette.

  • A Palette API key. For more information on how to create a Palette API key, refer to Create API Key.

  • curl is installed on your machine. You can also use API management tools such as Postman. This document uses curl as an example.


  1. Log in to Palette.

  2. From the Main Menu, select Profiles.

  3. Select a profile you want to include in the cluster definition.

  4. Inspect the URL of the page. The URL has the following format:[ProjectID]/profiles/cluster/[ProfileID].

  5. Extract the project ID and the profile ID from the URL.

  6. If you want to include another profile in the cluster definition, repeat step 3 - 4 and extract the profile ID for each profile you want to export. All profiles must be in the same project.

    Make sure the combination of profiles you choose to export can be used to provision a cluster together. This means that you cannot include more than one profile that has infrastructure layers and cannot have duplicate packs between the profiles.

  7. Use the Palette Download Cluster Definition API to download the cluster definition. The endpoint location is POST If you are using a self-hosted Palette instance, replace the base URL with API endpoint address of your Palette instance.

    The endpoint takes a few header arguments and a request body.

    Header ParameterDescription
    ProjectUidThe unique ID of the project where the profiles are located.
    Content-TypeYou must set the value of this header to application/json to indicate that your payload is in the JSON format.
    ApiKeyThe value of your Palette API key.

    In the request body, you must provide the ID of the cluster profiles to include in the cluster definition.

    metadataYou must set the value of this field to {"name":"cluster-profiles"}.
    spec.cloudTypeYou must set the value of this field to edge-native.
    spec.profilesProvide the exact list of cluster profiles to include in the cluster definition. Inside the list are objects representing the cluster profiles. Each object must have the required key uid, which is the ID of the cluster profile.

    The following curl command is an example.

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'ProjectUid: 5fbbf0XXXXX' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'ApiKey: XXXXXXXX' \
    --output ~/Downloads/demo/cluster-definition.tgz \
    --data-raw '{
    "metadata": { "name": "cluster-profiles" },
    "cloudType": "edge-native",
    "uid": "65c90XXXXX770dae35"
    "uid": "65c91XXXXa9fe4f51c"


  1. Log in to Local UI.

  2. From the left Main Menu, click on Cluster.

  3. Try creating a cluster with the exported cluster definition. For more information, refer to Create a Local Cluster.

  4. A successful cluster definition export will display the correct profile layers from the cluster creation view.

Next Steps

You can build the cluster definition into the Edge Installer ISO, or upload the cluster definition to an existing Edge deployment using Local UI during cluster creation.